
Diabetic Retinopathy in Abu Dhabi 

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes affecting the area at the back of the eye called the retina.
High levels of sugar in your blood can damage the blood vessels which transport blood through the body, leading to small breaks in the vessel walls. If the vessels in the retina are damaged in this way, they can leak blood or Serous fluid.

When would you need treatment for diabetic retinopathy?

What Kind Of Vision Symptoms Might I Have If I Have Diabetic Retinopathy?

Colorless spots that ‘float’ in your field of vision (known as floaters),
blurred vision due to retinal changes or cataract, which is more common in diabetics
vision blocked by patches or streaks due to leaking blood in front of the retina
reduced night vision, and most seriously
sudden vision loss due to a large bleed (hemorrhage) or retinal detachment
Please contact the Clinic if you feel you are experiencing NEW episodes of the above problems.

Mild Diabetic Retinopathy Is sight threatening If not detected or treated promptly in the clinic with laser or Intraocular injections. ,If you are displaying no symptoms it is advisable to have an appointment with an Ophthalmologist to perform diabetic eye screening, as It is crucial not only to have retinal photography performed but also to have them interpreted promptly and accurately.
Mild Proliferative Retinopathy usually requires strict control of your diabetes and maintaining your general health ( eg, blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels) and having regular eye examinations.

Advanced Proliferative Retinopathy
There are several treatment options available for the treatment of Advanced proliferative Retinopathy, including Laser, Intraocular injections and surgery. After a full consultation including Diagnostic testing, Your ophthalmologist will discuss all appropriate available treatment options with you.
Be prepared, your comprehensive initial consultation including testing can take 1-2 hours.

Your physician will advise you on the health of your eyes, and which treatment may be necessary. LASER is performed routinely in the Outpatient clinic, different types of laser treatment help to

  • Seal leaking vessels and decrease or prevent swelling.
  • Improve blood circulation of the healthy retina.

Intraocular Injection
Small amounts of different types of medicine can be injected inside the eye to help seal leaking vessels to improve and preserve the Retina The procedure is very well tolerated and is performed routinely in the outpatient clinic as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to manage diabetic macular edema world wide.

The purpose of the surgery we call "Vitrectomy " is to restore the anatomical condition of the

  • Reattach the retina if pulled away (detached ) from its natural position.
  • Remove the natural gel within your eye which may have become clouded or obscured by blood, leakage from damaged vessels.
  • Remove newly grown tissues from any ruptured area of the retina to prevent further deterioration or complications.

Surgery nowadays is performed using advanced technology, with the use of a special microscope through very small (less than 1 mm) incisions, which self-seal avoiding the use of sutures.

More than 40 years of experience in eyecare

Our Team of Doctors

Dr. Yahya Ali Yahya Al Midwahi

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Chairman, Co-Founder - Samaya Specialized Center
The First Emirati Ophthalmologist

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Dr. Ameen Saleh Ali Al Saleem

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Vice-Chairman, Founder of Samaya Specialized Center

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Dr. Saleh Saif Al Messabi

Consultant Ophthalmologist
President of the Emirates Society of Ophthalmology

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Dr. Mohammed Ali Eissa El Deeb

Consultant Ophthalmologist

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Dr. Roberto Beze Abdo

Specialist Ophthalmologist

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Dr. Tariq Yasin Al-Rawashdeh

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Vitreoretinal Surgeon

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Dr. Noura Almansoori

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Medical Director

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